Mobile Service

For you on Site

West Europe, Belarus or the Caribbean: The service technicians at Bücker + Essing carry out mechanical repairs at customers’ premises across the globe. Is your engine large and difficult to access? Are only individual components of the engine or system damaged? Are the transport channels too long? These are all classic cases for the Bücker + Essing mobile service!

Bücker + Essing can even carry out complex tasks, like repairing damaged crankcases at your premises, thanks to the use of modern repair equipment, thereby saving you valuable time. We bring the equipment we need to your premises. This makes sense wherever it is too complicated to dismantle components, too time-consuming or where the transportation path is very long. Our mobile overhaul and repair workshop offers technical support even for complex work steps, e.g.:

  • Spindling bearing lines
  • Turning heat exchanger lids
  • Reworking bearing seats
  • Milling foundation surfaces
  • Reworking sealing surfaces
  • Mobile leaser measuring
  • Metal coating
  • Part tests per laser, crack, hardness and dimensional tests
  • Sanding valve seats and seat rings

Your Contact for mechanical processing:

Guido Gravemann
+49 591 7105-0


Interested in an individual offer for our mobile service? Just contact one of our specialists for  mechanical processing:

Phone: +49 591 7105-240